Journal Details

  • Journal of Organization and Human Behaviour

    Publisher Publishing India Group
    E-ISSN 2320-4966
    Print ISSN 2277-3274
    Chief Editor Parul Rishi
    Contact email
    Address Publishing India Group 56, 1st Floor, Deepali Enclave, Pitampura New Delhi-110034
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Under Review
    Journal Description

    Journal of Organization and Human Behaviour is a multi disciplinary journal which publishes articles in fields of interest to people who research, teach and apply organisational studies from a human behavioural perspective. The journal brings together researchers and practitioners, both within and outside India, who are in the areas of organization management, change and development, and Human behaviour. This journal covers all private, public and not-for-profit organizations’ conceptual organisational framework in relation to human behaviour. It publishes three sections of articles in each issue. The first section focuses on original, empirical research based papers .The second section stresses upon conceptual /theoretical articles and research reviews about multiple disciplines linking organisations with human aspects of behaviour. The third section includes articles about the applications of organisations and human behaviour analysis in organisational/institutional settings and that have corporate managers/CEOs as an intended audience. Key Areas/Acope of Journal:- Topics covered by the journal include micro as well as macro organisational behaviour. Just to name the few, organisational motivation, perception, attitudes, personality, emotional and social intelligence, well-being and performance on one hand and organisational design, development, change, culture and effectiveness on the other. We are interested in articles that investigate these topics as they pertain to individuals, groups, and broader organisational perspectives. For each topic, we place a premium on articles that make fundamental and substantial contributions to understanding psychological processes relevant to human attitudes, cognitions, and behaviour in organizations.

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Micro as well as Macro organisational behaviour

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

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